Saturday, January 29, 2011
Pad See Ew

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Ribollita - An Italian Peasant Stew

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Asian Peanut Noodle Salad

Monday, January 24, 2011
Ahoy, Popeye - Greens Goodness at the market
Winter is an amazing time to try all different kinds of leafy greens available at the farmer’s market. There are the traditional recognizable vegetables like cabbage, spinach, lettuce, kale and then a whole spectrum of new varieties to try. Leafy greens are nutritionally about as good as things come. They are full of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, and folic acid. Unfortunately they can be a bit intimidating. So we will try our hand at creating and finding recipes to integrate some of these veggi’s into our diets and trying to step out of the box on what we pick.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Man, that’s a lot of citrus!
In the winter, every week at the Los Angeles Farmer’s Markets, I find myself ooohing and aaahhhing at the abundance of beautiful citrus around. All these fruits make wonderful snacks and are a great little afternoons pick me up. I am determined to get to know my produce better, so this week I decided to answer an age old question for myself what really is the difference between a Satsuma and a Clementine.
Here’s the results:
Turns out both these fruits are types of mandarins and both come in seedless varieties.
Clementines: I am more familiar with because these are what you see in large bags sold at Grocery Stores around Christmas time. They originated in Algeria. The fruit was rounder and easier to peel and a bit less fibery. It was sweet but definitely had more of a tang to it.
Satsumas: The fruit looks a wee bit flattened or squashed on the top and bottom (like the stocky version of the Clemintine), and originated in Satsuma, Japan. I found these a bit more difficult to peel perfectly, but much sweeter/ more flavorful.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happy New Year! With a calorie count?
My first adventure eating out in 2011 made me very aware of the new California menu labeling law. The law requires that restaurants with more than 20 locations must display the calorie count of each item next on the menu (with some exclusions like farmer’s markets, schools…)
For more details see:
Well this week I made a trip to Islands Restaurant – I am not kidding myself that this is a healthy restaurant, but I always have figured there are good choices and it’s not as bad as fast food. I was shocked looking over the menu that most of their main dishes (including salads) were between 1000-1500 calories. That is a little crazy when you realize an average adult diet is based on approximately 2000 calories.
So lesson learned for me- when other people make your food, you really have no idea what is going in to what you are eating. They often make it delicious by adding super high calorie extras – mayonnaise, dressings, oil, and buttering buns to get them the right color. So in this new year I feel re-energized to make even more healthy meals at home and really start learning more about the foods I’m eating. Thank you new labeling law for giving me a jump-start back to the Farmer’s Market Diet.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Chickpea and Leek Soup
I sometimes buy things at the market and by the time I try to cram them in my refrigerator, I’m wondering what I was thinking. Leeks tend to be one of those things- they look so delicious, colorful, and savory and then suddenly they are inside my house and awkward (and usually a bit on the dirty side). This soup has become a regular favorite of mine, it started from a Jamie Oliver recipe- but I admit I think I manage to alter the recipe every time I make it.
First off it is important to clean the leeks- this seems more intimidating than it is (I can tell because they sell pre-cleaned trimmed leeks at Trader Joes). To clean the leeks I slice lengthwise up the center then slice them into very thin rounds and soak them in an enormous bowl of cold water (give them a big swirl every once in a while). I know this sounds a bit crazy but the dirt tends to settle to the bottom of the bowl and the leeks float. You can use a slotted spoon to collect the leeks off the top.
Recipe (not set in stone):
2 cups or cans of chickpeas depending if you make them from dry or buy canned.
2- 3 leeks depending on size (green and white portions thinly sliced)
3 cloves of garlic
1 knob of butter
3- 4 cups of chicken or vegetable stock
1 small boiled potato (optional)
parmesan cheese
extra virgin olive oil
Add some oil, butter, leeks and garlic to a large pot and a pinch of salt and let the leeks sweat and reduce on low until the leeks are sweet.
Add the chickpeas and stock and bring to a boil then simmer for 20 minutes. Using a hand blender or regular blender- puree soup. I like to leave a few chunky parts to it for texture. Season with salt pepper and top off with parmesan. I like to serve it with a crostini and top it off with a drizzle of olive oil.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Pasta with Peas and Arugula
Arugula is one my favorite greens lately- I think because it just has a bit more of a spicy bite to it than other greens and it tastes delicious raw or wilted, and there seems to be an awful lot of it around this winter.
For this dish I used rough amounts:
3 bunches of arugula
½ cup of frozen peas (I know I sometimes have to cheat and I like the organic peas that Trader Joes carries)
1 package of rigatoni pasta
4 cloves of garlic
1tbsp. lemon zest
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Parmesan Cheese
Prepare pasta and set aside. Meanwhile in a saucepan heat oil and sauté garlic and lemon zest after the garlic starts to smell add frozen peas. Turn the burner to low and mix in arugula until it wilts slightly. Mix together with pasta and serve with parmesan cheese and a dash of fresh olive oil. Looks plain but has a lot of flavor.